Hospice New Zealand Fundamentals of Palliative Care

The palliative care approach

This topic focuses on the palliative care approach and how understanding ethics, communication, and spirituality help you improve as a healthcare worker and support those receiving care.

Managing pain and long-term illness

Managing pain and long-term illness is split into two sub-topics. In Pain, other symptoms and pharmacology, you will learn the basics of pharmacology, and how you can recognise pain and help patients and their family/whānau through it. In Chronic illness and dementia, you will learn how to recognise chronic illness and dementia, the challenges people diagnosed with these face, and how you can support them.

Care and support at the end of life

Care and support at the end of life is about last days of life, loss and grief, with a focus on how to care for everyone and support people in care and their family/whānau.


For most topics, you will have the chance to apply what you have learnt online in a face-to-face workshop.  You will take a deeper look and get the chance to collaborate with other healthcare workers.

Palmerston North

Location: Christian Community Church, 54 Pascal Street, Palmerston North

Cost: $30.00

Date: Wednesday 2nd April OR Wednesday 22nd October 


Location: Arohanui Hospice Horowhenua Centre, 79 Oxford Street, Levin

Cost: $30.00 per workshop

Date: Tuesday 15th July


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