Your donation provides us with certainty of care in the future, and means our services can be provided at no charge to patients and their families. Plus, your regular donation will:
  • Help us to provide excellent palliative care for more than 1000 people with life-limiting illnesses in our region, every year. 
  • Support our patients’ families, whānau and carers with bereavement counselling and workshops. 
  • Ensure our community palliative care nursing team can be there when families need them most: making more than 270 home visits every month. 
  • Enable our care to reach far beyond Arohanui Hospice: to educate and support medical professionals in best practice palliative care across the region. 
Your regular commitment will touch so many lives: those with a life-limiting illness, their loved ones, the wider community and the medical community. In return, when becoming a member of the Aroha Givers Club we make this commitment to you:
  • You will become a valued member of our Arohanui Hospice community and will be invited to special events and occasions. 
  • We will update you on our progress with regular newsletters, and you will receive a copy of our Annual Report, updating you on our yearly performance.
  • You will receive a tax receipt at the end of the financial year, so you can claim a tax rebate of 33% of your total donation.
  • Together we will deliver excellence in care to anyone facing a life-limiting illness and to their families/whānau.

A little means a lot

Copyright © 2020 Arohanui Hospice