Why leave a bequest to Arohanui Hospice?

"He taonga rongonui te aroha ki te tangata.
Goodwill towards others is a precious treasure."
By including a bequest to Arohanui Hospice in your will, you're leaving an enduring legacy that not only helps those whose lives are ending, but also those who carry on: family, whanau, friends and carers. It means we can continue to serve our community and help more people live well until they die, with empathy, compassion and above all with aroha.
Why have a Will?
Having a will allows you to decide how your assets are distributed after your death. It can help provide for your family and loved ones, and for your chosen charities.
What is a bequest?
This is a statement in your will instructing your executor to give a specific item of property, sum of money, or percentage of the residue of your estate, to a particular person or organisation, such as Arohanui Hospice.
How do I make a will?
By consulting a solicitor, the Public Trust, Guardian Trust or other trustee company. Obtaining the services of a solicitor will greatly reduce the likelihood of any difficulties to do with the validity or the interpretation of your will.
How do I change my existing will?
You can review and update your will at any time. It is recommended that you review your will every five to seven years. When doing so, you have the opportunity to consider making a bequest to Arohanui Hospice.
How will Arohanui Hospice use my bequest?
Caring for our patients and their famileis/ whanau is at the heart of everything we do at Arohanui Hospice. With the support of our volunteers, donors and legacy gifters, our service can continue to be provided at no cost to patients and their families. 

With over 30 years serving our local community, we're committed as ever to maintaining our reputation as a centre of excellence in palliative care for the next 30 years and beyond. Our services are accessible to everyone residing in our region, irrespective of their home setting.

All donations and bequests go towards helping locals, with life-limiting illnesses, as well as their families, whanau and carers. We are committed to best practice and to sharing our specialist knowledge with medical professionals and other agencies who are providing care in the region. 
Why make a bequest to Arohanui Hospice?
Arohanui Hospice is committed to providing free quality care to people with a life-limiting illness, and supporting their families. To continue to provide this service we need the financial support of our community. By leaving a bequest in your will you are helping to ensure hospice care for others.

Types of bequest

There are generally three types of bequest.
Specific bequest
A gift of particular items of property, jewellery, books, clothing, car, etc, that you want to give to a particular person or organisation.
Phone: 06 350 2243 
General bequest
Usually a sum of money or percentage of the value of your estate, given to a particular person or organisation.
Phone: 06 350 2243
Residual Bequest
This is how you want the remainder of your estate to be dealt with after any specific or general gifts have been given.
Phone: 06 350 2243

Aroha Legacy Club

The Arohanui Hospice Legacy Club is a group established to honor, recognise and personally thank those who have indicated that they have remembered Arohanui Hospice in their will. We keep in touch with Aroha Legacy Club members and from time to time arrange activities and functions they will be invited to attend. Your membership and bequest is completely confidential unless you wish to make your gift known.

Contact Us

If you would like to discuss your intentions in confidence, please contact our Chief Executive Clare Randall on 06 350 2243, or email her here.

Bequest Brochure

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A little means a lot

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